Last year, we already reported here on occupational accidents, a statistic published annually by the Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V. (DGUV). These statistics show that there were around 730,000 occupational accidents in 2021, which is around 40,000 more than in the previous year.
Last year, accidents from movement, i.e. running, walking, etc., were the most common cause of such accidents, accounting for around 29.8%. This year, this proportion has increased again to 31%. In addition, as in the previous year, tripping, slipping and falling accidents account for the second largest share of all occupational accidents at around 23.6% (2020: 22.3%). Only intra-plant transportation accounts for more accidents (29.6%).
After the Corona pandemic in 2020 naturally severely curtailed work, resulting in fewer accidents, it was to be expected that the number of accidents would rise again significantly in 2021. The nature of workplace accidents however, is not based on the number of employees present. The increase in the proportion of trip, slip and fall accidents shows how much potential for occupational safety in this problem area is still not being exploited.
With our products, we would like to contribute to ensuring that this statistic does not continue to rise, but rather, in the best case scenario, falls again next year.
We would be happy to provide you with information on how to make your company safer, or you can try out our new product finder and help prevent accidents at work.